US House of Representatives, District 29, Republican
Qualifications: What training, experience and characteristics qualify you for this position?
Issues: What are the two (2) most pressing issues that you will face in the office that you seek? Describe your “specific” plans/ideas for addressing these issues.
Stream the Republican Primary Voters Guide
Alan Garza
I'm an attorney and an electrical engineer. I believe my professional background and experience make me the best candidate to tackle the issues of the 21st century and the information age. More importantly, I'm focused on building a conservative movement that's truly rooted in conservative principles but that's applied in a manner that my generation can get behind.
Immigration and privacy. For immigration, I plan to offer a solution that will simultaneously help secure the border while offering a path to citizenship to those individuals who have been here for several years, respect our laws, and love our nation. It's time we do something about immigration and I'm committed to providing reasonable solutions.
As for privacy, I'm committed to making reforms that limit the government's ability to surveil citizens and personal information held by companies. Privacy against the government in the digital age is essential if we want to protect First Amendment, Second Amendment, and other important rights.