Qualifications: What training, experience and characteristics qualify you for this position?
Ethics: Since judicial candidates solicit donations and raise money to be elected, how can voters be assured that campaign donations will not impact how judges interpret the law and/or review lower court decisions?
Separation of Powers: What is your view of the role of courts relative to the other branches of government?
Equity: What can be done to improve access to justice for all, including persons or groups who may be underserved?
Other Issues: What issues do you believe will be the most pressing for the Texas Supreme Court?
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Joe Pool
I am now serving as the 428th Judicial District Judge of Texas. Before that I was protecting and defending property rights and other civil rights of clients under our constitutions, Texas and U.S..
Our Texas Founders answered this concern by stating in our Texas Constitution, The right of trial by jury shall remain inviolate. Art 1. Sec 15. Unfortunately powerful political organizations have groomed judges and justices to violate Art. 1. Sec. 15. with summary judgements found by judges, not jurors and the Texas Supreme Court has redecided facts when facts are conclusive at the 14 COA's.
The Texas and U.S. Constitution establish three separate but equal branches of government. The legislative branch is charged with making laws. The executive branch is charged with enforcing laws. The judicial branch is charged with interpreting the law. It is illogical and undermines our rule of law when a 50 year precedent is overturned. Any changes to the precedent should be made by Congress.
The major obstacle to improving access to justice for all is costs. Many property rights of low income individuals are simply given up because they cannot afford an attorney. Texas counties provide criminal defence costs, if you are indigent, but not in civil matters. This causes problems and inefficiencies when it involves families & others. More civil law cases should be provided free legal.
The Texas Abortion Law will be the most pressing issue for the Texas Supreme Court until Congress revives Roe v Wade or enacts laws standardizing access to abortions. The civilian enforcement of the Texas Abortion Law is reminiscent of the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850 that allowed deputisation of private citizens to aid in the capture of runaway slaves. It gives new meaning to Neighborhood Watch.