TX State Senator, District 15, Democrat

Qualifications: What training, experience and characteristics qualify you for this position?

Issues: What are the two (2) most pressing issues that you will face in the office that you seek? Describe your “specific” plans/ideas for addressing these issues.

Stream the Democrat Primary Voters Guide
Michelle Anderson Bonton
I have 25+ yrs senior leadership exp. I founded an organization from nothing & built it into a major org employing 180 people, serving 1400 families w/a a $14 million budget, so I understand finance and budgeting. I created policies that built good labor relations. I am a wife, mother, and grandmother who shares many of the lived experiences of SD15. I am an action-oriented problem solver who knows how to work across the aisle. I don't just talk about the need for change - I make it happen.
1) Voter Suppression: Draft legislation that mitigates the slew of VS laws just passed (polling locations on college campuses as an example;) and repeal the recent VS laws

2) Address Public School Issues - School Funding (draft legislation to move to an enrollment based funding model) Teacher Shortage - remove retire/rehire penalty; School Closures - legislation that requires a more sensible student assessment program that doesn't cause hundreds of thousands of children to be impacted due to performance of those in one or 2 campuses; legislation that prevents district takeovers based on the above; Safer Communities - more community-based crime prevention strategies and 2nd chance programs
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