Velda Renita Faulkner

Texas Justice, 14th Court of Appeals, Place 3

Non-partisan election information about Velda Renita Faulkner, Candidate - Texas Justice, 14th Court of Appeals, Place 3 by the League of Women Voters of Houston
Qualifications: What characteristics and experience qualify you to serve as a justice?
I have 30+ yrs. of civil and criminal trial experience and civil and criminal appellate experience. I will provide diversity and fairness to the communities served by the 14th Court of Appeals, PL 3.
Ethics: Since judicial candidates solicit donations and raise money to be elected, how can voters be assured that campaign donations will not impact how judges interpret the law and review lower court decisions?
A Justice must have integrity and judicial prowess. It's imperative to garner public trust in our judicial system. We are the gatekeepers of the law, entrusted to have the legal knowledge and understanding to render fair and impartial decisions, according to the law, not a political party or donor's agenda, endangering the constitutional and civil rights of the people and eroding public trust.
Judicial Elections: How would the administration of justice be impacted if judges ran in nonpartisan races?
The Judicial Branch of Government (Courts) are the interpreters of the law. This branch determines if any laws violate the Constitution(s) (U.S. and State). They are responsible for correctly applying the law to the facts of each case. Courts are not to apply its own personal agendas or political opinions to any case, nor are they to overturn settled law or precedent that benefit "we the people."
Equity: What can be done to improve access to justice for all, including persons or groups who may be underserved?
Voters should elect knowledageable judicial candidates who represent the diversity of the communities served by the courts! Provide pro bono or low cost legal services. Judges should have regular, personal interactions/presence in our underserved communities. Reliable, low cost IT access is a "must," with affordable higher ed., to prepare for the future and to earn a living wage.
Court System: What effect will the new business court and statewide court of appeals have on the administration of justice in Texas?
The new business court will have an impact on what cases can be filed in what court and what cases will be appealed to the newly created 15th Court of Appeals. This has the appearance of a special court for wealthy individuals and businesses, legal protection for Texas public officials and entities and impeding the fair and impartial administration of justice; further eroding the public's trust.
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