Tonya McLaughlin

Texas Justice, 14th Court of Appeals, Place 4

Non-partisan election information about Tonya McLaughlin, Candidate - Texas Justice, 14th Court of Appeals, Place 4 by the League of Women Voters of Houston
Qualifications: What characteristics and experience qualify you to serve as a justice?
My criminal law background will bring balance to the 14th COA. As a former prosecutor and criminal defense attorney, I have been an advocate for both sides. I have also handled over 100 appeals.
Ethics: Since judicial candidates solicit donations and raise money to be elected, how can voters be assured that campaign donations will not impact how judges interpret the law and review lower court decisions?
Voters should elect candidates that will follow the law and not act as an activist. If justices follow the law that applies to each appeal, campaign donations do not impact decisions. It is not up to justices whether they like the law or not.
Judicial Elections: How would the administration of justice be impacted if judges ran in nonpartisan races?
Nonpartison races could help to avoid sweeps like in the 2018 election where all of the incumbents on the 1st and 14th Courts of Appeals were removed simply due to party affiliation. The position I am running for lost a very just incumbent that year with a tremendous criminal law background.
Equity: What can be done to improve access to justice for all, including persons or groups who may be underserved?
It is important to educate the public on their rights to appeal decisions made by lower courts and the options that exist for representation.
Court System: What effect will the new business court and statewide court of appeals have on the administration of justice in Texas?
The new court should make the appellate system more efficient.
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