Ted Brown

U.S. Senator
Non-partisan election information about Ted Brown, Candidate - U.S. Senator by the League of Women Voters of Houston
Democracy: What needs to be done to protect our democracy and restore faith in our institutions?
The two party system has not served our country at all. Voters need more choices and then be willing to vote for alternative parties that will present new ideas in Washington and at the State Capitol. It's hard to have a democracy when so many voices are not heard. The only voices that most politicians listen to are big contributors and corporations. Declare your Independence! Vote Libertarian.
Immigration: What policy changes are needed so the U.S. immigration system is both effective and humane?
Immigration is good for our country's economy and society. Immigrants just want a better life and have a much lower crime rate than native-born Americans. We need an Ellis Island-style immigration system that welcomes people who want to come to any point of entry, sign in, identify themselves, and be confirmed as not being a criminal. They should work from Day One and not be on welfare programs.
Cost of Living: What actions can Congress take to bring down the cost of living for Americans?
The $35 trillion national debt is unsustainable. The Federal Reserve printing money to pay the debt is what causes inflation. We need massive cuts in federal spending across the board in every department, agency, and program, including the military. I support the free market over taxes, spending, and regulation. The less government there is, the more prosperous and happy the people will be.
Reproductive Rights: What should Congress do to protect reproductive rights?
99% of abortions are performed in the 1st and 2nd trimesters, not late term, which is rare. Government should not get between women and their doctors on a completely personal decision about their own reproductive systems. I support a federal law to protect access to abortions nationwide, since so many red states (like Texas) want to limit women's personal choices.
Climate Change: What measures need to be taken at the federal level to address the impacts of climate change?
While climate change is happening, most proposals to counter it will do little or nothing to actually lower temperatures. Instead, the proposals want to damage Western economies while ignoring China's major emissions. We need a free market in energy, without government subsidies or controls. If we want less carbon emissions, we need to build more nuclear power plants, which have no emissions.
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