Sylvia Garcia

U.S. Representative District 29
Non-partisan election information about Sylvia Garcia, Candidate - U.S. Representative District 29 by the League of Women Voters of Houston
What training, experience, and characteristics qualify you for this position?
I began my career as a social worker and an attorney. From there I became a judge, Houston City Controller, County Commissioner, State Senator, and now, Member of Congress. I have dedicated my life to public service and my experience at all levels of governments makes me uniquely qualified to advocate for my constituents in Washington DC.

What actions do you support to address cost of living concerns?
In my work on the Financial Services Committee, I work to identify and implement solutions to lower housing costs nationally. I also support programs that help people who can not afford basic necessities, such as the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program and the Affordable Connectivity Program, to save people money on utilities.

What are your priorities regarding immigration policy? What specific actions would you take to address these priorities?
My top priority is to pass H.R. 16, the Dream and Promise Act, which would create a pathway to citizenship for all our Dreamers. This legislation is bipartisan for the first time this session, and currently has 207 cosponsors. This bill is my top priority for both this session and next session when I am reelected.

What is the role of the federal government in establishing laws and regulations related to reproductive healthcare services including family planning, pregnancy care and post- partum services? Please explain your position.
The federal government must protect women’s healthcare services and access to reproductive healthcare on a national level. In Congress, I have supported legislation to codify the Roe v. Wade ruling into statute. It is crucial that our federal government protect women across this nation from draconian laws that drag us back into the past.

What measures do you support to address environmental issues and natural disasters, such as air quality, extreme weather events, drought, and flooding?
This year I introduced a package of legislation through the appropriations process to deal with extreme heat. These proposals will empower local governments to do more to combat extreme heat and will classify heat as a disaster so that FEMA can provide resiliency resources. I have also successfully funded increased air monitoring around Harris County and supported efforts to build the Ike Dike and other solutions to flooding in our region.

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