Robert Johnson

District Judge, 177th Judicial District - Criminal
Non-partisan election information about Robert Johnson, Candidate - District Judge, 177th Judicial District - Criminal by the League of Women Voters of Houston
What training, experience, and characteristics qualify you for this position?
I am the current judge of the 177th Criminal District Court and was elected to the bench in November 2016. I have over two decades of experience in the area of criminal law. As a judge, I am committed to following the law and remaining fair and impartial at all times.
What, if any, alternatives to incarceration do you support? Please discuss program options, as well as when and how such alternatives can be used.
For non-violent offenders who meet the specific program's criteria, there are several possible alternatives to incarceration that are designed to reduce repeat criminal behavior, such as Young Men About Change (YMAC), Substance Abuse Treatment Facilty (SATF), Women Helping Ourselves (WHO), Drug Court, Veterans Court and Felony Mental Health Court.
In setting bail amounts, how will you balance Texas’s constitutionally mandated bail requirements with other conditions of release including minimizing any public safety threat the defendant may present to community? Please discuss both first time and repeat offenders.
As the current judge of the 177th Criminal District Court, I put in place the appropriate bond conditions for all defendants (first time and repeat offenders) charged with a felony criminal offense based on my review of the nature/circumstances of the offense and any criminal history. The purpose of such bond conditions is to protect the victim and the community. I do not rely on the bond conditions initially put in place by the magistrate judge.
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