Richard McKibbin

Railroad Commissioner
Non-partisan election information about Richard McKibbin, Candidate - Railroad Commissioner by the League of Women Voters of Houston
Qualifications: What training, experience, and characteristics qualify you for this position?
I am the American Solidarity Party candidate for Texas Railroad Commissioner. I live in Ector, Tx with my wife and daughter. I attended the University of Ulster and Grayson County College.
Oil and Gas Wells: What can the Railroad Commission do to mitigate the harm to the health of people and animals and to land caused by producing and abandoned oil and gas wells?
I strongly believe in the polluter pays principle and that those who leave wells posing a health hazard to local communities must be financially responsible for cleaning them up. I also believe our inspectors need to be more proactive in identifying such wells. Additionally, I would increase the surety bonds on wells from $10,000 to $15,000.
Emissions: What should the Railroad Commission do to reduce the amount of flared gas from oil and gas wells in Texas?
I believe we should explore ways to turn flared gas into something useful, such as liquefied natural gas or compressed natural gas.
Carbon Capture: Should the Railroad Commission be granted authority to regulate wells and underground storage facilities in Texas that trap and store carbon dioxide? Why or why not?
I believe there is more research to be conducted in the area of carbon capture with regard to the regulation of carbon capture and the safety to local communities.
Seismic Activity: How can the Railroad Commission reduce the risk of seismic activity or earthquakes caused by liquids disposal from oil and gas activities?
I believe the Railroad Commission could conduct a thorough survey of the state to identify areas with the highest risk of seismic activity and pinpoint fault lines. Additionally, I believe that those wishing to drill within 50 miles of a fault line should pay a premium surety bond.
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