Mike Knox

Non-partisan election information about Mike Knox, Candidate - Sheriff by the League of Women Voters of Houston
What training, experience, and characteristics qualify you for this position?
I possess more than 15 years service with HPD and earned a Master Peace Officer certificate from the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement. I spent 22 years operating a small business as an international consultant on Street Gangs and Youth Violence. I have recently served 8 years as an At-Large Houston City Council member. I have the police experience, the business experience and the political experience necessary to be a successful Sheriff for Harris County
What challenges do you see to ensuring public safety in the county and what opportunities will you pursue to address those challenges?
There are two major challenges. The first is regaining control of the Jail and improving conditions sufficient to pass inspection from the Texas Jail Commission. The second is morale and staffing concerns. Both the jail and the law enforcement side are understaffed. I will pursue recruiting by developing a culture of excellence within the Sheriff's Department through enhanced education/training and improved pay and benefits for both detention officers and deputies.
How do you plan to engage with the community to build partnerships and address local concerns related to public safety?
I plan to be an accessible Sheriff and will invite communications with the entire community to listen to their concerns. I am willing to entertain the formation of community advisory groups to advise the Sheriff of community issues and concerns on regular basis.
What programs or initiatives will you implement to support inmate rehabilitation and reduce reincarceration?
Those convicted of misdemeanor offenses and sentenced to a term in the county jail will be afforded the opportunity to pursue educational opportunities, job training, and lifestyle counseling.

Inmates awaiting trial have not been convicted, are presumably innocent of the charges against them, and are not in need of rehabilitation.

Those convicted of felonies will be delivered to the Texas Department of Correction, whose function is to rehabilitate.

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