Michele Oncken

District Judge, 338th Judicial District - Criminal
Non-partisan election information about Michele Oncken, Candidate - District Judge, 338th Judicial District - Criminal by the League of Women Voters of Houston
What training, experience, and characteristics qualify you for this position?
I have spent the past 30 years of my legal career practicing criminal law as a prosecutor in Harris County, dedicated to fulfilling the oath of a prosecutor, which is to seek justice. As a judge I will strive to be fair but firm, patient, tough when needed, while still remaining compassionate. I will work hard to ensure that the rights of defendants and victims are protected, that our community is safe, the process is fair and sentences are appropriate for the crime.
What, if any, alternatives to incarceration do you support? Please discuss program options, as well as when and how such alternatives can be used.
Probation is of course the most common alternative to incarceration. In felony court, I support probation in appropriate cases, especially for non-violent offenses and first offenders. I strongly support utilizing Harris County’s many felony specialty courts, where defendants are placed on probation and monitored closely by a treatment team; these include felony mental health court, STAR Drug Court or Veteran’s Court.
In setting bail amounts, how will you balance Texas’s constitutionally mandated bail requirements with other conditions of release including minimizing any public safety threat the defendant may present to community? Please discuss both first time and repeat offenders.
I believe that setting appropriate bonds is one of the most important jobs that a criminal judge has, and crucial in reducing recidivism and violent crime. I will set bail in an amount that ensures the protection of the community and the defendant’s return to court. Bonds should be set higher for violent and repeat offenders. If a defendant commits a new crime while on bond or violates bond, his bail will be revoked and he will be held without bail, in accordance with the Texas Constitution.
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