Maritza Michele Antú

Texas Justice, 14th Court of Appeals, Place 5
Non-partisan election information about Maritza Michele Antú, Candidate - Texas Justice, 14th Court of Appeals, Place 5 by the League of Women Voters of Houston
Qualifications: What characteristics and experience qualify you to serve as a justice?
I have 20 years of practice in criminal law, as a prosecutor, a defense attorney and a District Court Judge. I have tried over 80 jury trials and have extensive knowledge in criminal trial issues.
Ethics: Since judicial candidates solicit donations and raise money to be elected, how can voters be assured that campaign donations will not impact how judges interpret the law and review lower court decisions?
As a District Court Judge, I called balls and strikes without any regard to political affiliation or donations. As I did before, and as a Justice, I will follow the law as written and will evaluate the facts as presented in the record. I will not be swayed by personal influence or political pressure. I take my oath to uphold the Constitution very seriously, and if elected, I will follow the law.
Judicial Elections: How would the administration of justice be impacted if judges ran in nonpartisan races?
The administration of justice would benefit from nonpartisan races that would ensure candidates have the experience, and the qualifications required for the position they seek. More importantly, the process would ensure that judges who are doing a good job would continue on the bench. Too often, highly qualified and efficient judges are swept off the bench because of the political climate.
Equity: What can be done to improve access to justice for all, including persons or groups who may be underserved?
To improve access to justice for all, we must focus on providing immediate, ethical and effective legal representation, especially to low-income litigants. As a District Court Judge, this was of utmost importance to me. I also applaud the Supreme Court's order aimed to bridge the justice gap by allowing non-lawyers to provide limited legal services for those litigants who cannot afford attorneys.
Court System: What effect will the new business court and statewide court of appeals have on the administration of justice in Texas?
The new business court will have a positive effect on the administration of justice. The new court will hear complex business litigation. Transferring these types of cases out of the 1st and 14th Courts of appeals will reduce the number of cases, resulting in increased efficiency at the 1st and 14th Courts of Appeals.
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