Jennifer Caughey

Texas Justice, 1st Court of Appeals, Place 2
Non-partisan election information about Jennifer Caughey, Candidate - Texas Justice, 1st Court of Appeals, Place 2 by the League of Women Voters of Houston
Qualifications: What characteristics and experience qualify you to serve as a justice?
I have devoted my career to appeals and public service. As an appellate justice, I wrote 125 opinions and earned bipartisan support. I've filed approx. 100 appellate briefs; I handle appeals daily.
Ethics: Since judicial candidates solicit donations and raise money to be elected, how can voters be assured that campaign donations will not impact how judges interpret the law and review lower court decisions?
My track record shows this process will not affect me. I will do what I did before: always apply the law faithfully and treat all appeals equally. You can find proof that I will do this in my record. You can find further proof in my support among lawyers who practice here: the bar (lawyers) voted by more than double that they want me in this seat. My broad, bipartisan support offers proof too.
Judicial Elections: How would the administration of justice be impacted if judges ran in nonpartisan races?
A judge’s allegiance is to the law. Judges do not make policy--and judges cannot be beholden to any party or position. Judges must faithfully apply the law as it is written, regardless of whether they like the outcome. Thus, the administration of justice should not be different if judges run without a party label than if they run with one. When judges do their job, the law is paramount.
Equity: What can be done to improve access to justice for all, including persons or groups who may be underserved?
I serve on the Texas Judicial Council, working on access to justice. Here are ideas. Courts can offer information and sample forms to help parties understand what they need to do. More thought can go into how and when judges set oral argument. Zoom should be an option, and panels should inform parties when they want to focus on one issue, saving resources. Efficiency matters too: most cannot wait.
Court System: What effect will the new business court and statewide court of appeals have on the administration of justice in Texas?
Hopefully these new courts will have a positive impact, including increasing efficiency. The 15th Court will offer three additional judges to handle Texas’s appellate work. It will hear certain specialized appeals; it also can have appeals transferred to it in the docket equalization program. These new courts can offer expertise on the cases assigned to them and increase efficiency overall.
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