Holly Williamson

Justice of the Peace Precinct 8, Place 2
Non-partisan election information about Holly Williamson, Candidate - Justice of the Peace Precinct 8, Place 2 by the League of Women Voters of Houston
What training, experience, and characteristics qualify you for this position?
Judge Holly Williamson has been serving as the Judge of Harris County Pct 8, Pl 1 since her election in 2008. Prior to her position on the bench, Judge Williamson built a solid foundation of legal expertise through her extensive practice in federal, state, and justice court law. With over 25 years of legal and judicial experience, She has presided over tens of thousands of cases earning a reputation for commitment to fair and impartial justice and unfettered access to the court.
How do decisions made by Justices of the Peace impact the everyday lives of the people of Harris County?
Judge Williamson understands the importance of upholding the law while ensuring that all individuals are treated with respect and fairness. Her number one priority is to ensure that the legal system serves the community equitably, and she tirelessly works to uphold this commitment in every aspect of her judicial duties.
What initiatives will you implement to facilitate the resolution of the small claims cases and landlord-tenant disputes that come before your court?
Judge Holly Williamson has been a leader in the judiciary for 15 years as your Justice of the Peace, she works tirelessly to create positive reforms in the justice system, innovate new court processes, and help all in our community have access to justice.
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