Hawk Dunlap

Railroad Commissioner
Non-partisan election information about Hawk Dunlap, Candidate - Railroad Commissioner by the League of Women Voters of Houston
Qualifications: What training, experience, and characteristics qualify you for this position?
30+ years domestic and international oil and gas experience specializing in well control( well fires and blowouts) critical well integrity and risk management.
Oil and Gas Wells: What can the Railroad Commission do to mitigate the harm to the health of people and animals and to land caused by producing and abandoned oil and gas wells?
Strictly enforce statewide rules, hold oil and gas operators accountable, and aggressively change the way we plug wells.
Emissions: What should the Railroad Commission do to reduce the amount of flared gas from oil and gas wells in Texas?
Ensure there is more gas take away capacity and storage as well as push for new markets for our resources.
Carbon Capture: Should the Railroad Commission be granted authority to regulate wells and underground storage facilities in Texas that trap and store carbon dioxide? Why or why not?
Not with the way the agency is currently operating presently. Texas needs to deal with the over injection of produced water before taking on a serious risk like ccus.
Seismic Activity: How can the Railroad Commission reduce the risk of seismic activity or earthquakes caused by liquids disposal from oil and gas activities?
Produced water recycling and a reduction in produced water injection will need to be addressed. Furthermore a reduction in ground water use for oil and gas operations will be required.
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