Eddie Espinoza

Railroad Commissioner
Non-partisan election information about Eddie Espinoza, Candidate - Railroad Commissioner by the League of Women Voters of Houston
Qualifications: What training, experience, and characteristics qualify you for this position?
Eddie Espinoza is not a politician or oil-industry insider. He’s an Army veteran, retired elementary teacher, and climate activist.

Eddie wants to lower your electric bill with renewable energy.
Oil and Gas Wells: What can the Railroad Commission do to mitigate the harm to the health of people and animals and to land caused by producing and abandoned oil and gas wells?
Eddie Espinoza wants the Railroad Commission to regulate the oil and gas industry effectively and enable our transition to cheap, clean renewable energy.

Eddie is the only center/left choice in this race.

His opponents all get income from the oil and gas industry, and the “Democratic” challenger for Railroad Commissioner is actually a Republican – she has voted in Republican primaries for years.
Emissions: What should the Railroad Commission do to reduce the amount of flared gas from oil and gas wells in Texas?
Gas flaring and venting should be banned. Period.

Scientists report that communities within 60 miles of flaring have increased rates of hospitalization for respiratory issues.

Gas flaring and venting is a significant cause of global warming. We MUST stop releasing methane into the atmosphere.
Carbon Capture: Should the Railroad Commission be granted authority to regulate wells and underground storage facilities in Texas that trap and store carbon dioxide? Why or why not?
The Railroad Commission should ban carbon capture schemes, because carbon capture is NOT a real climate solution.

Carbon capture will cost billions of dollars and raise energy bills for consumers, but will barely contribute to global warming mitigation.

The only climate solution is to transition away from fossil fuels to clean renewables like wind, solar, and utility-scale batteries.
Seismic Activity: How can the Railroad Commission reduce the risk of seismic activity or earthquakes caused by liquids disposal from oil and gas activities?
Ban fracking. Ban injection wells.

Oil and gas extraction contaminates enormous amounts of water, which is then disposed of by injecting the toxic water underground, harming freshwater sources and causing earthquakes.

Cheap, clean renewable energy sources like wind, solar, and utility-scale batteries don’t cause earthquakes or contaminate our soil, water, and air.
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