Dan Simons

Harris County District Attorney
Non-partisan election information about Dan Simons, Candidate - Harris County District Attorney by the League of Women Voters of Houston
What training, experience, and characteristics qualify you for this position?
From homeless and foster care to graduating with honors from Thurgood Marshall College of Law, I have learned that both compassion and fairness are essential in the pursuit of public safety and justice. As a child, I was victim from 8 years old to 15 years old. I care about victims and will seek justice for victims while protecting the rights of defendants. With 16 years of business experience, I can deliver a very efficient and effective District Attorney's Office that represents everyone.
What are your top 3 priorities?
Victims of crime must receive the respect, protection, and justice they deserve. My opponent would eliminate cash bonds and allow rapists and murderers back on the streets; I want to ensure that we keep violent criminals locked up. Defendants must be evaluated as individuals, noting factors such as criminal history, to ensure their return to court and to protect all Harris County citizens. Finally, we must hold our elected officials accountable and prosecute all instances of public corruption.
How do you plan to allocate resources within the District Attorney’s office to ensure efficient case management?
Currently, the district attorney's office is understaffed. We need to hire over 150 prosecutors to help combat the massive backlog of cases and pending trials. Furthermore, we need to expand our victim's advocacy staff to offer resources and assistance to victims.

People are the number one asset, so we must invest in all personnel. We need to attract experienced prosecutors with competitive salaries. Moreover, securing parking or transit for all support staff and prosecutors is also vital.
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