Charlene Ward Johnson

State Representative, District 139
Non-partisan election information about Charlene Ward Johnson, Candidate - State Representative, District 139 by the League of Women Voters of Houston
What training, experience, and characteristics qualify you for this position?
I currently serve on the Board of Trustees for Houston Community College. I also serve as the Public Affairs Committee Chair of the University of Houston Alumni Foundation Board.
I have over 20 years of leadership and community advocacy experience bringing funding, opportunities and resources for the community.
Article 7 of the Texas Constitution states that “it shall be the duty of the Legislature of the State to establish and make suitable provision for the support and maintenance of an efficient system of public free schools.” What is your interpretation of what this clause requires of the legislature?
It is the duty of State Legislators to provide necessary provisions such as funding and resources to support public schools. They are mandated to help support public schools provide a quality education for all students. Every student has the right to a free quality education that helps them reach their full potential.
How will you ensure that Texas remains a leader in the energy sector through innovation and reliability?
Texas can remain a leader in the energy sector by expanding clean energy development and investing in the power grid. We will also need to invest in renewable energy sources, integrating solar and wind power into the existing energy infrastructure.
What do you believe is the appropriate role of the State of Texas in ensuring that Texans have access to reproductive healthcare, family planning, and pregnancy care and postpartum services?
The State of Texas should play a big role in ensuring Texans have access to quality healthcare that is affordable. Legislators need to protect and support organizations and facilities that provide necessary preventative and postpartum health care services including birth control, mental health and cancer screenings. Texans should have access to resources and facilities that will provide awareness for reproductive healthcare, family planning and postpartum services.
What other issues are high priorities for the people of your district? Please give specific examples of measurable actions that you will take to address these issues.
Public education, stopping a voucher bill and ending HISD takeover. Increasing school funding and staff salaries

This district needs more access to affordable quality healthcare within the community, especially preventative care help. Expand Healthcare rights for everyone.

Infrastructure- from the freeze, to the tornado, flooding, clean water, & hurricanes, our infrastructure needs help. We must hold companies accountable to provide the necessary services & advocate for more funding.

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