Analisa Roche

U.S. Senator

Democracy: What needs to be done to protect our democracy and restore faith in our institutions?
We need to elect people of integrity who we trust to work together in solidarity for the common good, regardless of which way they lean politically.
Immigration: What policy changes are needed so the U.S. immigration system is both effective and humane?
All policies must respect the infinite dignity of the life of every human being. Comprehensive reform is needed that both preserves border security and treats people humanely. Undocumented immigrants need workable pathways to citizenship. Family unification should be a top priority, as should protection of refugees and asylum seekers.
Cost of Living: What actions can Congress take to bring down the cost of living for Americans?
Congress can require workers be paid a living wage. Congress can also pass funding and tax incentives for affordable housing programs. It should consider rent control in some areas. Universal healthcare and other healthcare reform measures that reduce out-of-pocket costs for health should be passed. Social safety nets should be expanded and strengthened. The tax system should be reformed.
Reproductive Rights: What should Congress do to protect reproductive rights?
This question assumes that reproductive rights should be protected. I believe the inherent dignity of all human life should be protected, from the preborn child to the mother carrying it. Congress should expand support for those expecting children in the forms of assistance with healthcare, education, child care, and housing. I believe we can create a society where abortion is not necessary.
Climate Change: What measures need to be taken at the federal level to address the impacts of climate change?
Development of renewable energy needs to be funded. A carbon pricing system could reduce carbon footprints. Green infrastructure projects need to be invested in & sustainable agriculture needs to be promoted. Large-scale reforestation and protection of biodiversity is essential. The US should lead international climate agreements. Marginalized & vulnerable communities should receive particular aid
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