Alan Garza

U.S. Representative District 29
Non-partisan election information about Alan Garza, Candidate - U.S. Representative District 29 by the League of Women Voters of Houston
What training, experience, and characteristics qualify you for this position?
I live and was raised in District 29, and I know the issues our community members face. I'm an attorney and electrical engineer who works at the intersection of technology and law.
My fresh, collaborative approach seeks pragmatic solutions for the issues of the day and aim to uphold America's Promise of freedom and opportunity for our generation and the ones to come.
What actions do you support to address cost of living concerns?
Reducing excessive government spending, as that contributes to inflation.

Support American energy independence, as that helps bring utility costs down.

Reduce the tax burden on the middle class.
What are your priorities regarding immigration policy? What specific actions would you take to address these priorities?
Immediate action: secure the border by increasing man power and deploying new technology to enhance security efficiently.

Short-term: pass legislation that allows DREAMERs who were brought to the U.S. as children through no fault of their own and meet certain requirements to obtain legal residency.

Long term: pass comprehensive immigration reform that creates a merit-based system and supports national needs.
What is the role of the federal government in establishing laws and regulations related to reproductive healthcare services including family planning, pregnancy care and post- partum services? Please explain your position.
The federal government's role in this area should be limited and should ideally be left to the states.
What measures do you support to address environmental issues and natural disasters, such as air quality, extreme weather events, drought, and flooding?
Incentivizing investment in clean energy such electric vehicles, solar power, and nuclear power.
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