Aaron Burdette

District Judge, 486th Judicial District - Criminal

What training, experience, and characteristics qualify you for this position?
I am currently the Presiding Judge of the 486th District Court. I preside over all felony criminal matters pending in the court. These offenses range in severity anywhere from drug possession up to and including capital murder. I approach each case with a dedication towards fairness and justice for all parties. I follow the law and ensure the rights of all parties are preserved and protected.
What, if any, alternatives to incarceration do you support? Please discuss program options, as well as when and how such alternatives can be used.
I support the use of legal alternatives to incarceration in the appropriate cases. Cases in my court have been resolved through community supervision (probation), pretrial diversion, and other alternative programs.
In setting bail amounts, how will you balance Texas’s constitutionally mandated bail requirements with other conditions of release including minimizing any public safety threat the defendant may present to community? Please discuss both first time and repeat offenders.
To set appropriate bail, I make individualized assessments for each defendant based on all available information. I do not use a predetermined bail schedule. Bail is set after balancing all factors, including the factual allegations, the defendant's public safety assessment, criminal history, risk of re-offending, flight risk and any other available information.
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