Lana Centonze

U.S. Representative District 18
Non-partisan election information about Lana Centonze, Candidate - U.S. Representative District 18 by the League of Women Voters of Houston
What training, experience, and characteristics qualify you for this position?
I am not a politician but a concerned mom who wants to secure a great future for your children, your grand children and great grand children. Sometimes the average citizen can step in and make a difference in our community. My experience working at our border gives me the knowledge on how to solve our border issues. Currently many family’s are living paycheck to paycheck and we need to resolve our Economic issues. Crime has taken over our city and we need leadership who will bring change.
What actions do you support to address cost of living concerns?
The cost of living is astronomical. It’s time to work on our economy, bring down taxes so the average American can survive at this time. Investing in small businesses can also help the community to thrive.
What are your priorities regarding immigration policy? What specific actions would you take to address these priorities?
Immigration is my specialty. I know what it takes to solve our immigration problems. We have to continue to implement the laws given to bring order in immigration. I also believe everyone needs to be vetted when coming into the US. Making sure individuals entering in are really coming for a better future and will uphold the laws of the land.
What is the role of the federal government in establishing laws and regulations related to reproductive healthcare services including family planning, pregnancy care and post- partum services? Please explain your position.
If you are suffering with major health issues. Ex Cancer, Diabetes, terminal illnesses. You should have the opportunity for health coverage.
What measures do you support to address environmental issues and natural disasters, such as air quality, extreme weather events, drought, and flooding?
I believe in Houston we are always experiencing extreme weather. Currently we just went through a hurricane. I believe our government officials should be prepared and always act in the well being of its citizens.
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