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Kristin M. Guiney

Texas Justice, 1st Court of Appeals, Place 8
Non-partisan election information about Kristin M. Guiney, Candidate - Texas Justice, 1st Court of Appeals, Place 8 by the League of Women Voters of Houston
Qualifications: What characteristics and experience qualify you to serve as a justice?
With 23 years as an attorney and 7 years as a judge, I have extensive legal experience and a deep understanding of the judiciary. My career reflects a commitment to fairness, integrity, and justice.
Ethics: Since judicial candidates solicit donations and raise money to be elected, how can voters be assured that campaign donations will not impact how judges interpret the law and review lower court decisions?
As a judicial candidate, I understand the importance of impartiality. Campaign donations will not influence my judicial decisions. I am committed to upholding the law based on legal principles and facts, not on donor interests. My dedication to fairness is reinforced by strict adherence to ethical guidelines and transparency throughout my campaign and tenure. Voters can trust in my integrity.
Judicial Elections: How would the administration of justice be impacted if judges ran in nonpartisan races?
Nonpartisan races could enhance the focus on qualifications and judicial philosophy rather than party affiliation. This shift may encourage voters to evaluate candidates based on their merits and commitment to the rule of law, potentially fostering greater judicial independence and public trust in impartiality.
Equity: What can be done to improve access to justice for all, including persons or groups who may be underserved?
To improve access to justice, we need to enhance legal aid services, support pro bono efforts, and ensure fair representation across all communities. Expanding outreach and education about legal rights and resources can also help underserved groups. As a justice, I will advocate for initiatives that address these gaps and promote a more inclusive and equitable legal system.

Court System: What effect will the new business court and statewide court of appeals have on the administration of justice in Texas?
The new business court and statewide court of appeals will streamline complex commercial cases and ensure specialized expertise in business disputes. This should lead to more efficient and consistent rulings, reduce case backlogs, and enhance the overall administration of justice by addressing specific legal issues with focused, experienced attention.
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